Tiggy's Tea Room


Tea room


M180, Junction 2; 7 mins


Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat 10am-4pm
Weds, Sun closed

  • Icon for kid friendly

    Kid friendly

  • Icon for vegetarian or vegan options

    Vegetarian or vegan options


The pretty Lincolnshire town of Epworth has a robust independent high street, and Tiggy’s Tea Room is at the centre of it. Run by Amanda, who named the cafe after her daughter, it’s a modern take on a classic, with floral wallpaper, dainty chinaware and cake stands heaving with home baking. Staff add to the ambience with their patterned retro dresses, wide smiles and easy conversation.

Although Amanda is a confirmed vegetarian, the menu is wide ranging, from child-pleasing milk shakes to bacon and brie panini and chocolate orange cake.

Epworth itself is worth exploring, and Tiggy’s is a dedicated ambassador, frequently hatching plans to introduce more people to the town. There are a few car parks in town but plenty of free parking in side streets off the main road.

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Tiggy's Tea Room,
46 High Street, Epworth,
Tel - 07777 653505
Web - www.facebook.com/Tiggystearooms/

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